10 Tips to Help Employers Hire the Most Suitable Candidate

When it comes to hiring the most suitable candidate for a job, employers need to trust their instincts and use the interview process to get to know the person. It is important to look at both talent and cultural fit, as well as take the candidate out of the office environment to get a better sense of their personality. Employers should also focus on the future and trust the process. In order to select the best candidates for a position, employers should make sure that the job description box is as specific as possible.

This includes listing job responsibilities, skills, and qualifications needed for the position. This helps potential candidates determine if they are the right fit for the position before they apply, leaving only the best candidates for employers to review. CEOs have developed strategies through trial and error to help employers go beyond polished resumes, shortlisted references and scripted responses, and hire more creative and effective members for their team. For example, Patty Stonesifer, who now runs Martha's Table, a non-profit organization in Washington, uses a tour as a key test for any candidate for a job.

Additionally, employers should focus on more than just potential candidates when trying to hire the best person for the job. To help employers hire the best candidate, minimize turnover, and maximize employee satisfaction and productivity, here are 10 tips:

  • Be Specific in Job Descriptions: Make sure that job descriptions are as specific as possible so that potential candidates can determine if they are the right fit for the position before they apply.
  • Trust Your Instincts: Follow your instincts and use the interview process to get to know the person. Look at talent and cultural fit.
  • Get Out of Office: Take the candidate out of office environment to get a better sense of their personality.
  • Focus on Future: Focus on the future and trust the process.
  • Look Beyond Resumes: Go beyond polished resumes, shortlisted references and scripted responses when hiring.
  • Consider Cultural Fit: Consider how well a candidate will fit into your company culture.
  • Give Real Job Tests: Give potential candidates a real job test so you can evaluate their skills.
  • Check References: Check references thoroughly before making a hiring decision.
  • Look at Mental Strength: Look for candidates who have mental and psychological strength needed to deal with pressure.
  • Involve Others: Involve other people in your company in the hiring process.
By following these tips, employers can ensure that they hire the most suitable candidate for their job.