Dixie Shippy

Dixie Shippy

Wannabe zombie buff. Unapologetic web guru. Friendly coffee trailblazer. Subtly charming web specialist. General pop culture trailblazer.

51 Posts Written
How to Hire Employees: A Step-by-Step Guide for Employers

How to Hire Employees: A Step-by-Step Guide for Employers

Finding the right employees for your business can be a daunting task. It's important to have a well-defined hiring...

10 Tips to Hire the Most Suitable Person for the Job

10 Tips to Hire the Most Suitable Person for the Job

When it comes to hiring an employee, it's essential to make sure that they are the right fit for your company. Business...

Making the Best Hiring Decisions for Your Company

Making the Best Hiring Decisions for Your Company

Finding the right employees for your company is essential for success. A good hiring process will help you attract and...

Making Informed Decisions When Recruiting New Hires

Making Informed Decisions When Recruiting New Hires

When you're a hiring manager, all the effort you put into the hiring process, from selecting resumes to interviewing...

What Employers Should Look for in a Job Applicant During a Background Check Process

What Employers Should Look for in a Job Applicant During a Background Check Process

When it comes to hiring for a new job, employers should take the time to thoroughly review the background of each...

Making the Right Hiring Decisions: A Guide for Employers

Making the Right Hiring Decisions: A Guide for Employers

Making the right hiring decisions is essential for any organization's success. To ensure you hire the best candidate for...

How can employers ensure they are making informed decisions when it comes to onboarding new hires?

How can employers ensure they are making informed decisions when it comes to onboarding new hires?

The onboarding of new employees is the process of integrating a new employee with a company and its culture, as well as...

How to Assess Potential Candidates During the Interview Process

How to Assess Potential Candidates During the Interview Process

An interview is a great way to get to know potential candidates and determine if they are the right fit for your team....

What Are the 3 Main Criteria Employers Look for When Making Hiring Decisions?

What Are the 3 Main Criteria Employers Look for When Making Hiring Decisions?

When it comes to making hiring decisions, employers have a lot to consider. Experience, hard skills, soft skills, and...

10 Tips to Help Employers Hire the Most Suitable Candidate

10 Tips to Help Employers Hire the Most Suitable Candidate

When it comes to hiring the most suitable candidate for a job, employers need to trust their instincts and use the...

Assessing Potential Candidates' Skills and Abilities During an Interview Process

Assessing Potential Candidates' Skills and Abilities During an Interview Process

The interview process is a great way to get to know potential candidates and assess how they would fit into your team....

9 Qualities to Look for When Hiring an Employee

9 Qualities to Look for When Hiring an Employee

Hiring the right employee is essential for any business. According to a survey, 74% of people say they've made the wrong...

Tips For Job Interviews When Someone Applies For Barista Jobs

Tips For Job Interviews When Someone Applies For Barista Jobs

When applying for a barista position, nailing the job interview is crucial. The interview not only allows potential...

How to Hire Top Quality Candidates for Your Company

How to Hire Top Quality Candidates for Your Company

When it comes to hiring the best candidates for your company, it's important to have a clear understanding of the...

Making the Most Informed Hiring Decisions

Making the Most Informed Hiring Decisions

Making the right hiring decisions is essential for any business. It's important to ensure that you are making the most...

10 Tips to Help Employers Hire the Most Qualified Individual

10 Tips to Help Employers Hire the Most Qualified Individual

Sponsored work is a great way for employers to stand out and attract the best candidates. It's important to give enough...

Hiring the Right Person for the Job: A Guide for Employers

Hiring the Right Person for the Job: A Guide for Employers

Creating an attractive job description that outlines daily tasks and qualifications is essential for employers to find...

Interviewing Potential Candidates: Best Practices

Interviewing Potential Candidates: Best Practices

Interviewing potential candidates can be a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. To ensure that you make the best...

7 Steps to Ensure You Hire the Best Qualified Employees

7 Steps to Ensure You Hire the Best Qualified Employees

When it comes to hiring the best qualified employees, it's important to take the time to evaluate the culture of your...

Verifying References of Potential Candidates: Advice for Employers

Verifying References of Potential Candidates: Advice for Employers

As an employer, it is your responsibility to ensure that you are hiring the right candidate for the job. To do this, you...

Making Informed Decisions When Hiring New Employees

Making Informed Decisions When Hiring New Employees

When it comes to hiring new employees, employers need to make sure they are making informed decisions. To do this, they...

What Employers Should Look for in Job Applicants During Interviews

What Employers Should Look for in Job Applicants During Interviews

When it comes to hiring, employers are looking for more than just the right qualifications. Even for entry-level...

9 Qualities to Consider When Hiring Employees

9 Qualities to Consider When Hiring Employees

When it comes to hiring employees, there are certain qualities that employers should look for in order to ensure they are ...

Interviewing Potential Candidates: Tips for Employers

Interviewing Potential Candidates: Tips for Employers

When it comes to interviewing potential candidates, employers should strive to create a dialogue that is a mutual...

What Qualities Should Employers Look for in Job Candidates?

What Qualities Should Employers Look for in Job Candidates?

When it comes to hiring, employers are looking for more than just qualifications. They want to find the right fit for...

How to Conduct Reference Checks on Potential Candidates

How to Conduct Reference Checks on Potential Candidates

When it comes to hiring potential candidates, employers should take the time to conduct reference checks. This is an...

How to Evaluate Potential Candidates During the Interview Process

How to Evaluate Potential Candidates During the Interview Process

When it comes to hiring the right people for your team, it's essential to have a consistent and proven process for...

Making the Best Hiring Decisions: A Guide for Employers

Making the Best Hiring Decisions: A Guide for Employers

Before you even announce a vacancy, make sure that the job description is as accurate and specific as possible. This will ...

Hiring the Right Candidate: Tips from an Expert

Hiring the Right Candidate: Tips from an Expert

The first impression a candidate has of a company is essential. You and they are both looking for the best fit.

Screening Potential Candidates Before an Interview: Expert Advice for Employers

Screening Potential Candidates Before an Interview: Expert Advice for Employers

The recruitment process is a crucial step for employers when it comes to finding the right candidate for a vacant...

Making Informed Decisions for Employee Development

Making Informed Decisions for Employee Development

Employers need to ensure they are making informed decisions when it comes to developing their employees. To do this, they ...

How to Hire the Right Employee: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Hire the Right Employee: A Comprehensive Guide

Hiring a new employee is a big decision for any business. It's important to consider all aspects of the process, from...

What Should Employers Look for in a Job Applicant During a Skills Assessment Process?

What Should Employers Look for in a Job Applicant During a Skills Assessment Process?

When employers are looking to hire a new employee, they often use a skills assessment process to evaluate the candidate's ...

Making Informed Decisions When Onboarding New Employees

Making Informed Decisions When Onboarding New Employees

Onboarding new employees is the process of integrating a new employee with a company and its culture, as well as...

Making Informed Decisions When Recruiting Employees

Making Informed Decisions When Recruiting Employees

When it comes to recruiting new employees, employers need to ensure they are making informed decisions. Data-based hiring ...

Making Informed Decisions When Hiring New Employees

Making Informed Decisions When Hiring New Employees

When it comes to selecting new employees, employers need to ensure they are making informed decisions. To guarantee the...

Hiring the Most Qualified Candidate: Tips for Employers

Hiring the Most Qualified Candidate: Tips for Employers

When it comes to hiring the most qualified individual for a job position, employers need to have a well-defined process...

Hiring the Most Competent Individual: Tips for Employers

Hiring the Most Competent Individual: Tips for Employers

Organizing a hiring planning meeting with key employees is a great way to start the process of finding the most competent ...

Making Informed Decisions When Training New Employees

Making Informed Decisions When Training New Employees

When it comes to training new employees, employers need to ensure they are making informed decisions. This means setting...

What Employers Should Consider When Evaluating Potential Candidates During a Background Check Process

What Employers Should Consider When Evaluating Potential Candidates During a Background Check Process

When it comes to hiring new employees, employers need to be sure that they are making the right decision. To do this,...

Making Better Hiring Decisions: What Hiring Managers Should Do

Making Better Hiring Decisions: What Hiring Managers Should Do

As a hiring manager, you know the basics of the position you're hiring for, but you may or may not be familiar with all...